Home > Maldives > south male > vaadhoo > mystery caves

The Mystery Caves are always a treat for divers since you never know what you will find.

Name Dive Site:Mystery Caves
Depth: 5-30m (16-98ft)
Inserted/Added by: diverland

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This part of the reef, called Mystery Caves, between "Wadu Channel" and "Canyon" is always worth a wonderful drift dive. There are several caves and overhangs along the reef. One big cave from 13 to 20 meter invites the divers to dive in. This will be an unforgettable experience and is an amazing feeling, to be surrounded by the reef like this. It is recommended to bring a lamp to see the whole variety of marine life, soft corals and sponges in these overhangs.

On the sandy ground divers often spot a sleeping nurse shark or leopard shark. You can see squirrel- and banner fish swimming upside down along the caves ceiling and with good eyes you will find some scorpion fish or even a stone fish. But don't forget the blue water; often eagle rays, napoleon and white tip sharks are passing by. To end the dive you drift along the top reef and will be entertained by octopus, surgeon- and parrotfish.

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